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What to Do Post-Treatment: Tips for Optimizing Fat Reduction

What to Do After Getting SculpSure

If you’ve decided to try SculpSure, you won’t be disappointed. Our past SculpSure patients have seen noticeable results after just six weeks. SculpSure utilizes a diode laser to destroy the fat cells in areas diet and exercise haven’t affected. Each session lasts a brief 25 minutes and requires no recovery time. Even so, you can take steps to ensure your SculpSure procedure is as successful as possible.

The Non-Invasive Way to Destroy Fat

SculpSure provides a safe option for those looking to destroy fat cells in problematic areas that haven’t seen results from diet or exercise — you can achieve your body image goals through this non-invasive procedure. This means no needles, no surgery, and no downtime for recovery. The procedure reduces up to 24 percent of fat cells in a treated area in just one session.

Although a laser is used to destroy the fat, patients can sit back and relax during their SculpSure procedure under the capable hands of the doctors at Healthy Living Primary Care.

SculpSure completely destroys the fat cells, and they will not regenerate. After the procedure, your lymphatic system will flush out the dead cells. You’ll be happy with the outcome you see over the course of 12 weeks.

Tips to Help Your SculpSure Results

SculpSure destroys fat cells — it’s not meant to help you lose weight. To optimize your SculpSure results, you can take steps post-treatment. Not only will these tips help you achieve the best results — they’re also healthy living habits:

  • Massage the treatment sight: Gently massage the treatment areas for five to 10 minutes twice a day. You should continue this until your next SculpSure treatment, or for 12 weeks if you only have one session.
  • Drink lots of water: Drinking plenty of water is essential to effective weight loss, but it’s especially important for those who have had a SculpSure procedure. Drinking water helps flush the dead fat cells out of the body, so we recommend having six to eight glasses a day.
  • Relieve tenderness: Mild tenderness or swelling sometimes occurs after a SculpSure procedure. Take acetaminophen or apply a cold compress to relieve these symptoms.
  • Engage in physical activity: The SculpSure procedure disrupts and loosens fat cells. Cardio exercises like jogging, walking, or even biking, help to mobilize the cells for processing through the lymphatic system.
  • Apply skin-tightening creams: Applying a skin-tightening cream after your SculpSure session helps promote skin retraction.
  • Flush out toxins: Body wraps and vitamin supplements with diuretic properties help flush out and eliminate toxins. They also provide your skin and body with additional nutrients.
  • Metabolize fat cells: Taking liver supplements or eating foods high in antioxidants will help your body metabolize fat cells after your SculpSure procedure.

Reach Your Health Goals With SculpSure

If diet and exercise aren’t working for those persistent fat pockets, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Joy Liu at Healthy Living Primary Care. She’ll walk you through the SculpSure procedure, an FDA-approved method of achieving your health and body goals, and help you decide if it’s the right treatment path for you.